Ready to move faster in your career, get more comfortable with feedback, and negotiate for what you deserve? Then you’re gonna want to pick up a copy of this book.
Stuck between all of the expectations society puts on us and the pressures we put on ourselves, struggling to go after what you want or move at the pace you want in your career?
I’m right there with you, and I’m ready for a new narrative.
Between the biases, double standards, and unsustainable expectations women face in our society, it’s no surprise our inner critics are on hyperdrive.
Over time, this inner narrative creates a set of limiting perspectives that can get in the way of getting to where we want to be in our careers. Essentially, we get stuck.
Aren’t we sick of that sh*t?
It’s time to reframe this narrative and explore the wide range of perspectives available to us when we encounter a challenge, so we can finally get unstuck, and be free from the patterns and people that hold us back.
7NewsDC — After more than two years in a pandemic, people everywhere are ready for a fresh start in a new chapter. But turning the page can be much easier said than done, especially in the workplace. Lia Garvin, author of “UNSTUCK: Reframe Your Thinking to Free Yourself From the Patterns and People that Hold You Back,” joined us with how to step into a better you.
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