
Team Whisperer Blog

Are you protecting your team’s time or afraid of delegating?

As leaders, we often find ourselves torn between protecting our teams from being overcapacity  and identifying the right moments to delegate. In episode 136 of Managing Made Simple, we tackle this dilemma head-on. When you find yourself stuck, consider, is your hesitation truly about safeguarding your team, or could it

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How to stop repeating yourself and start holding people accountable

We’ve all been there—repeating the same instructions, wondering why our team isn’t following through. It’s not just frustrating; it’s exhausting. In episode 135 of Managing Made Simple, I break down the real reasons why this happens and how you can create a culture of accountability that ensures your team takes

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How to retain your unsung hero team members

You know those people on your team who you can always count on to go the extra mile? The ones who swoop in at the last minute to solve a problem, save the day, and make everything look easy? Yeah, those unsung heroes are the backbone of your team. But

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Three ways to lower the chances great team members will quit

Hiring is hard. From finding the right candidates to interviewing to onboarding, the whole process takes hours and hours of you and your team members time. And it’s expensive. It’s estimated that the cost of employee turnover is up to 2X that employee’s salary – let alone the morale killer

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How to recognize great work when budgets are tight

Ever wonder why team engagement feels like it’s dwindling, even when you’re doing everything you think is right? Well, one major reason could be the lack of recognition. It might sound simple or even trivial, making it a practice to REGULARLY recognize the great work of your team members is

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Setting boundaries: how to get it right

It’s always hits when it has gone wayyyy past too long. The feeling of overwhelm, stress, and a little frustration of “why do they keep coming to me for this?” when they should be able to figure it out on their own.  What is this moment, you ask? The moment when we

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Help! Should I make this a new company policy?

Ever feel like your team just isn’t quite getting the culture you’re striving to build? Or maybe you’re constantly reminding them about certain behaviors? Trust me, I’ve been there too. This week on the Managing Made Simple podcast, I break down a crucial difference that could drastically improve how your

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Managing people is HARD. Trying to figure it out alone makes it even harder.

That’s why I put together a list of 10 simple things you can do every week to show up better for your team, get out of the weeds, and make this whole managing thing a lot easier.

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