
Team Whisperer Blog

How to decide if you want to be a manager

Thank you for tuning into my blog! This week I’m changing things up and doing a video version of my newsletter – let me know what you think! This week I am helping prospective managers answer the question “how to decide if you want to be a people manager,” sharing

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Three strategies for prioritizing better on your team

“If everything is important, then nothing is.” ― Patrick Lencioni And yet… how many meetings have you been in that have 37 P0s, and it’s not looking like you’re going to get out of next quarter with anything less than 34? We get it, there’s always more that we could

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Nailing Rolling out New Processes on Your Team

Tl;dr: How to roll out processes on your team so people don’t hate you.  I once worked with someone who handed me a 20 page document describing how to run a 30 minute meeting, and immediately thought to myself, yep, this is why people hate ‘process.’ Across a decade working in

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How to [Actually] Get Better at Giving Feedback

I get that feedback is important, I just don’t want to hear it… …thought everyone ever. We get it. Feedback is a gift. But the last time I got a gift that made my stomach turn, I returned it to the sender and wrote a bad review on Amazon (#feedback),

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How to get your work noticed

Keeping our heads down and thinking people will notice us doesn’t make sense, and yet… “Good work gets noticed.” Does it though? By who? It’s about as big of a fallacy as “If I just work harder…” Keeping our heads down and waiting for recognition will leave us waiting for

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The secret to high performing, effective teams

Accountability is the solution to all of your team’s problems. But first, it needs a reframe. If you’ve ever uttered the words “why is everything so much harder than it needs to be?” when looking at how your team operates, you’re not alone. In fact, in my years working in

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