
Team Whisperer Blog

Leadership: The Art of Stepping Back

Ever have one of those weeks where it feels like you’re swimming upstream? Everything seems harder than it should be? Here’s a truth bomb: Sometimes we, as leaders, are the ones making it harder. Shocking, right? But don’t worry, it’s a growth moment, not a gut punch. Are You the

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The Ownership Mindset: Your Team’s Secret Sauce for High Performance

Ever wondered what separates top-performing teams from the rest in today’s most influential organizations? The answer is simpler than you think: An Ownership Mindset. Why the Ownership Mindset Makes All the Difference From my own experience in industry-leading organizations, I’ve noticed that when team members feel like owners, things just click.

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LAUNCHED! The Managing Made Simple Podcast

Calling all managers, team leaders, and folks who think they might manage someone in the future… How are you doing? We hear all of the time the saying “people don’t leave companies they leave managers,” and even if we agree, it sure puts a lot of pressure on us as

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Navigating the Workforce: 3 Key Strategies for GenZ Job Seekers

We get it. You’re a fresh grad and you’ve heard all the GenZ stereotypes—unfocused, job-hopping, avocado-toast loving. Time to set the record straight and show employers what you’re really made of. Show You’re Adaptable (Because the World Isn’t Slowing Down) Life right now is like your phone updates—always changing. And

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How to build comfort with CHANGE on your team

When it comes to navigating change, it’s always said that time is the best medicine. But what do you do when you are in a time like RIGHT NOW, when there is so much constant change and uncertainty, that there is no time to settle into one change before moving onto the

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How to create more FOCUS for your team

We all want to do our best at work. Move faster. Deliver a better product or service. Help more people. But often, when assessing all of the things we could possibly do and directions we could take our business, our eyes are bigger than our stomach. We say “yes” to

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