
Team Whisperer Blog

Help! Is It Too Late for My Team?

There is one question I sometimes get from business owners and team leaders that makes me so sad to hear: “Is it too late for my team?” Some people end up bogged down by this feeling that they’ve tried everything—that they have really tried to boost motivation, to set clear

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Yes, you need 1:1 meetings…and here’s how to do them right

There’s one thing I always recommend managers start adding to their routines with their team: one-on-one meetings with team members. Holding meetings with each individual team member, just the two of you, is actually critically important…but not everyone knows that. So today, I’m going to talk about why we need

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The Power of Setting Expectations for Your Team

Whether we admit it or not, there’s one question that we all ask ourselves as managers… “Why can’t my team members read my mind?” How many times have you ended up in a situation where you have found your expectations aren’t being met, despite feeling like you’ve explained them enough?

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