
Team Whisperer Blog

Just liking people doesn’t make you a great manager

Today, I want to talk about one of the most common misconceptions that I hear from managers when it comes to managing their team: “If I love people, then that will make me a good manager.” I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately…that’s not enough. You

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The Unstoppable Team Launches TODAY!

Starting a business is a dream. It’s the freedom, the innovation, the exciting rush of bringing a vision to life. Aaaaaaand then we hire a team, and realize that the vision in our head isn’t as clear to others as it seemed to us, the giving feedback thing is a

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Yes, You Need a Coverage Plan: Here’s What Goes Into It

Welcome back to the show. Today, I want to talk about coverage plans…and before you ask, yes, you absolutely do need a coverage plan! This is the perfect season to be discussing coverage plans, because unexpected absences from the office are going to be at an all-time high. Flus, colds,

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How to Earn the Respect of Your Team

If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, “Why don’t my team members respect me? I’m in charge. I’m the manager. I’m the business owner. I’m the leader. What’s going on here?”…then this episode is for you. There is a way to earn respect from your team so that your team members

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Team Member Just Quit? Here’s Your Game Plan

It’s the new year: a time for new goals, new ideas, and new beginnings, both for us and for our team members. And unfortunately, for our team members, that sometimes means an abrupt departure from our company. The new year can sometimes result in a wave of people quitting without

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