
Team Whisperer Blog

How to know it’s the right time to hire another manager

When is it the right time to hire another manager? This is the million-dollar question for many of us business owners or team leaders. We’ve grown our team, the workload is increasing, and we’re starting to feel more than a little stretched thin managing it all. But does that automatically mean it’s time to

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3 things that are costing your business money EVERYDAY

Hey {{ first_name }}, No matter what kind of business we’re operating or team we’re in, we’re all kind of in a cost-cutting mode, right? Well I’m gonna let you in on a little secret, switching to single-ply toilet paper ain’t the ticket to get there. The best way, and in

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How to course correct when someone isn’t delivering results

Managing a team comes with inevitable challenges, and one of the toughest is dealing with team members who aren’t meeting expectations. But before you consider a replacement, I wanted to share an approach to navigating if the situation is salvageable (hopefully!) or a signal that it’s time to part ways.

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Leadership lessons from the NASCAR racetrack

When you think about some of the most challenging situations you’ve had to navigate at work, my guess is that it doesn’t include jacking up a car, changing 4 tires, and refueling it, all in about 8 seconds. Just guessing 😉 But for my guest this week on Managing Made

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Micromanaging issn’t about WHAT, it’s about WHEN

Hi {{ first_name }}, Almost every single day managers share with me their same fear: I want to get more out of my teams, but I don’t want to come across as a micromanager. If you’ve struggled with this tension, you’re not alone. The fact that you and the folks who

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